
Location : Home >> Movies >> Barrio

Director :

Fernando León de Aranoa

Stars :

Críspulo CabezasTimy BenitoEloi YebraMarieta OrozcoEnrique VillénAlicia SánchezFrancisco AlgoraChete LeraClaude PascadelPedro Miguel Martínez

Genre :


Release :


Rating :


Story :

Bored 15-year-old school chums Rai Manu and Javi dream of sexual adventures and exotic resorts while the well-off population of Madrid flock to the beaches on a summer holiday. The youths hang around the concrete wasteland killing time by reading the sex classifieds and pushing their luck. They masturbate, thieve, fight with their families and get involved in a drug bust. Finally Rai, the most daring and restless of the trio - gets shot while trying to steal stereo gear from a car. Each adolescent faces a dreary home life but when they get together they enjoy each other's company to the full. The film is an engaging mixture of comedy drama and the pathos of life in a Madrid neighborhood.


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